Kroger pharmacy has suffered an outage in the US, leaving Americans incapable to entree their medication.
Customers said the pharmacy cannot supply them with prescriptions owed to each systems being down.
Kroger is 1 of the nation's largest groce with astir 2,800 stores in with astir 2,800 stores successful 35 states operating nether 28 antithetic names.
However, its pharmacy is exclusively located wrong Kroger market stores.
Marianne Wellendorf Matthes shared connected X: Kroger pharmacy successful Gahanna Ohio is wholly closed due to the fact that their "system" is down. They can't adjacent manus radical their Rx's that are ready.'
Kroger states it has much than 2,250 pharmacies that service 17 cardinal patients annually.
This is simply a processing story... More updates to come.
Kroger's pharmacy services person suffered an outage successful the US, leaving Americans incapable to entree their medication