The Inside Story - USA Votes 2024: Vice Presidential Debate | Episode 164 TRANSCRIPT

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The Inside Story: The Vice-Presidential Debates

Episode 164 – October 3, 2024

Show Open:

Unidentified Narrator:

This week connected The Inside Story…

The vice-presidential candidates conscionable for a statement

Plus, we instrumentality you to the tiny midwestern municipality with a bullseye connected its migrant assemblage

Now connected The Inside Story… USA VOTES 2024: The Vice-Presidential Debate.

The Inside Story:

KANE FARABAUGH, VOA Correspondent:

Hello and invited to The Inside Story, I’m Kane Farabaugh reporting from Springfield, Ohio, which has go a flashpoint for a defining contented of this year’s statesmanlike campaign... Immigration.

That was among respective topics covered successful the statement held successful New York City betwixt vice statesmanlike candidates – Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and Ohio Senator JD Vance.

VOA’s Tina Trinh has more.

TINA TRINH, VOA Correspondent:

Republican nominee JD Vance and Democratic nominee Tim Walz met Tuesday nighttime successful New York City for the lone vice statesmanlike statement of this predetermination season.

At the 90-minute lawsuit hosted by CBS News, the candidates discussed the U.S. economy, Iranian attacks connected Israel and weapon control, with each antheral attacking his opponent’s moving mate.

Vance is moving with erstwhile President Donald Trump, who Walz says upended planetary diplomacy.

Tim Walz, Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee:

We had a conjugation of nations that had boxed Iran's atomic programme successful in the inability to beforehand it. Donald Trump pulled that programme and enactment thing other successful its place. So Iran is person to a atomic limb than they were earlier due to the fact that of Donald Trump's fickle leadership.


Walz is moving with the existent Vice President Kamala Harris, who Vance blamed for problems successful Springfield, Ohio, wherever helium and Trump person repeatedly made mendacious claims astir Haitian migrants eating household pets.

JD Vance, Republican Vice Presidential Nominee:

You’ve got lodging that’s wholly unaffordable due to the fact that we brought successful millions of amerciable immigrants to vie with Americans for scarce homes. The radical that I'm astir disquieted astir successful Springfield are the American citizens who've had their lives destroyed due to the fact that of Kamala's unfastened border.


On the divisive contented of termination rights, Vance said it is simply a determination for states.

JD Vance, Republican Vice Presidential Nominee:

The due mode to grip this, arsenic messy arsenic ideology sometimes is, is to fto voters marque these decisions, fto the idiosyncratic states marque their ain termination policy.


Walz said it is simply a determination for women and their doctors.

Tim Walz, Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee:

How tin we arsenic a federation accidental that your beingness and your rights, arsenic basal arsenic the close to power your ain body, is determined geographically?


After the debate, supporters of the candidates gave their instrumentality connected the night.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York:

This was an overwhelming, dominating show by JD Vance. I deliberation the American people, helium spoke straight to them astir issues that matter: the migration crisis, the amerciable migration situation caused by Kamala Harris.

Jared Polis, Colorado Governor:

Tim Walz is who helium is. I’ve known him for good implicit a decade. I served with him for 10 years successful Congress. This is idiosyncratic who’s authentic, right? He’s not going to beryllium slick. He spoke from the bosom connected issues that substance to him and truly brought it location to the American people.


Early voting has already begun successful 23 states, and with conscionable implicit a period to spell earlier Election Day, polls amusement this statesmanlike contention continues to beryllium a adjacent one.

Tina Trinh, VOA News, New York.


With some candidates making their transportation to the American nationalist successful what is apt the lone statement betwixt the vice-presidential candidates, some parties present successful Ohio anticipation 1 result of the statement is encouraging radical to vote.

Middletown is the hometown of U.S. legislator and vice-presidential campaigner JD Vance, a spot helium described successful his publication “Hillbilly Elegy,” and wherever immoderate of his supporters watched his statement with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Joe Statzer, Butler County Republican Party:

We consciousness similar JD is precise genuine due to the fact that we cognize him, idiosyncratic who is an mundane person.


Joe Statzer is enforcement manager of the Republican Party successful Butler County, Ohio, which includes Middletown.

Joe Statzer, Butler County Republican Party:

In 2016 and 2020, Butler County led Ohio successful (a) plurality of votes for Donald Trump – it’s conservative.


Statzer was pleased to perceive Vance code the concerns astir connected his mind.

Joe Statzer, Butler County Republican Party:

Like the border, similar the economy, similar the [port workers] onslaught that’s going connected successful the East Coast.

Kathy Wyenandt, Butler County Democratic Party:

Certainly radical are acrophobic astir the outgo of living, that’s ever important, and their wellness care.


Kathy Wyenandt, seat of the Butler County Democratic Party, says reproductive rights and concerns astir migration were besides focal points of the ample statement ticker enactment she hosted astatine a java store successful downtown Middletown.

Kathy Wyenandt, Butler County Democratic Party:

As soon arsenic JD Vance dehumanized quality beings by calling them amerciable aliens, it was frustrating to perceive that benignant of language.

Jacob Payen, Haitian Community Alliance:

I’m inactive acrophobic astir migration if Mr. JD Vance were to beryllium the adjacent vice president.


Jacob Payen is simply a subordinate of the ample Haitian assemblage successful Springfield, Ohio, astir 60 kilometers from Middletown. Some successful his assemblage person been targeted since the statesmanlike statement past month, erstwhile Republican nominee Donald Trump falsely claimed they are stealing and eating people’s pets.

What Payen looked for from Governor Walz was reassurance.

Jacob Payen, Haitian Community Alliance:

I request to beryllium reassured that I’m going to beryllium harmless portion I’m present successful America, due to the fact that we travel to America to look for safety, for peace, for love. We travel to America for each that.


Payen believes helium got immoderate of that assurance.

Jacob Payen, Haitian Community Alliance:

Tonight, Tim Walz appeared to beryllium much of a calm feline successful the debate. Mr. Vance was much connected the defensive.

Isaac Adi, Butler County Voter:

My caput is made up.


Isaac Adi came to the United States much than 20 years agone from Nigeria and is simply a elector successful Butler County. Despite rhetoric targeting Haitians successful Springfield, Adi supports Trump and Vance’s stance connected immigration.

Isaac Adi, Butler County Voter:

I came into this state legally, and I expect that everybody that is coming to this state should play by the rules, which is coming legally.


Democrats and Republicans look to hold that the vice-presidential statement won’t alteration the result of the November election.

Kathy Wyenandt, Chair, Butler County Democratic Party:

But what it does do, it lets radical cognize however important it is that we each enactment and that we get retired and we vote.


Joe Statzer says the prime for Republicans isn’t who to ballot for, but when.

Joe Statzer, Butler County Republican Party:

Just whether to ballot for JD successful beforehand oregon hold till predetermination day.


Early voting successful Ohio starts October 8th.

While present successful Springfield, Ohio, we had a accidental to speech to members of the Haitian assemblage astir however they've navigated the unwelcome attraction focused connected their migrant community.

I'm present with Jacob Payen, and Jacob, it's large to beryllium capable to speech to you and springiness america a small spot much penetration into the Haitian assemblage present successful Springfield, Ohio.

I mean, possibly first tell america however large the assemblage is, and what brought you to Springfield, Ohio and each the Haitians that unrecorded here.

Jacob Payen, Haitian Community Alliance:

The assemblage is astir about 15,000 Haitian if you will, the full Springfield assemblage present it should beryllium astir anyplace from 60 positive 1000, due to the fact that it was 40,000 earlier we started coming here, astir five, six years ago, and radical started, you know, abruptly determination out, due to the fact that determination was a batch of transgression and unit present successful Springfield.

So that near the metropolis to astir 40,000 folks earlier we started coming here. And erstwhile we started coming here, six years ago.

Till today, we person astir astir 15,000 Haitians present successful Springfield.


So I deliberation a batch of radical are astir apt asking the question, 1:05 wherefore Springfield, Ohio? Why is this a assemblage that Haitians person truly been attracted to travel present to unrecorded in?

Jacob Payen, Haitian Community Alliance:

We've travel present to look for amended opportunity, due to the fact that there's, there's a batch of manufacturing companies, concern companies present successful Springfield oregon the different cities surrounding Springfield. So determination was a bully accidental for america who've travel present via CPS programme oregon CBP 1 program, we each were looking forward.


Do you consciousness invited surviving here?

Jacob Payen, Haitian Community Alliance:

Well, we felt invited erstwhile we archetypal got here, but arsenic you whitethorn cognize already, for the past 3 weeks, we didn't consciousness rather invited by some. But you know, our metropolis officials and the governor, they've been precise supportive of the Haitian community.


What are immoderate of the challenges you are facing currently?

Jacob Payen, Haitian Community Alliance:

We acrophobic to permission our ain home. We don't cognize what whitethorn hap to america from weaponry threats to carnal threats oregon to threats implicit societal media. We've lived each that for successful the past 3 weeks. So present we're surviving successful fear. We're inactive surviving successful fear.


You've heard from metropolis leaders, you've heard from the politician of the state, possibly archer maine astir however that outpouring of involvement and interest and effect to you possibly archer maine astir that interaction, and possibly however they're helping you each navigate this.

Jacob Payen, Haitian Community Alliance:

That has boost our confidence, has Haitian fear. Our politician has been precise since time one. He's been precise supportive, and he's been connected the ground. He doesn't conscionable enactment retired successful his bureau and marque it telephone call. He has been present respective times, our mayor, metropolis managers, our commissioners, they've been precise supportive, supportive, successful a way, due to the fact that they the archetypal section authorization to dispel the rumors, the mendacious information.

So, erstwhile they did that, we benignant of felt like, okay, possibly we're gonna get done this due to the fact that our officials are sending the close message, due to the fact that they knew for a information it wasn't true. They knew besides it was a communicative that was made up by someone. They ne'er got a telephone from anyone reporting those stuff. So astatine that moment, arsenic a community, we started to consciousness better. But past again, erstwhile we started receiving threats from everywhere, and past the fearfulness settled in, you know, and past we, we don't get retired arsenic overmuch anymore, until things started to wide up. Okay, we don't cognize erstwhile that's going to happen.


While the attraction is unwelcome and the spotlight is shining present connected this community, what bash you privation radical who are tuning successful to recognize much astir the Haitian assemblage here? What bash you privation those radical to cognize astir the Haitian community? Haitian assemblage here?

Jacob Payen, Haitian Community Alliance:

They request to get to cognize america arsenic a people. They request to benignant of get to cognize our culture, and from there, they're going to get to sensation our food, and they're going to spot what we truly about. We are 1 of the astir resilient radical connected the planet, and we person a bully history, a agelong history, but we are fantastic radical arsenic well. But we don't privation to conscionable support saying that retired successful the media. We privation them to travel to Springfield to acquisition firsthand what the Haitians about. We are, we are, we are precise you know, we person a this hospitality present arsenic Haitian, and past from our civilization to our food, to everything you cognize astir us, radical wouldn't request to get to cognize them to cognize who we truly are. And past they can, you know, reason immoderate the decision they privation to marque retired of us. Then they tin reason anything. But I invitation everyone to larn a small spot astir us, to get to, you know, to talk to america connected regular basis, travel to our stores, travel to our restaurants, travel to our function, our church, and past you volition recognize we're not atrocious As the people. We're not that bad.


T-P-S, oregon Temporary Protected Status, is simply a U.S. migration programme granting those from definite countries a accidental to unrecorded and enactment successful this state without fearfulness of deportation. TPS is usually granted for either six oregon 18 months though it tin beryllium extended. Haitian migrants archetypal received TPS provisions aft a monolithic earthquake connected the land federation successful 2010. But T-P-S does not assistance imperishable residence oregon U.S. citizenship.

Tom Jawetz, Senior Fellow, The Center for American Progress.

The impermanent protected presumption designation is exclusively for radical who are already successful the United States astatine the clip of the designation, but due to the fact that of thing happening successful your state of root oregon your location state oregon state of past residence we conscionable can't reasonably expect you to spell backmost astatine this time.

Temporary protective presumption is simply a status.

It's an migration status.

It's an migration presumption that radical tin person the statutory close to question on.

It's an migration presumption that radical who person TPS person the close to beryllium inspected and admitted into the state into if they person TPS.

Iin bid to get TPS, radical record an application.
That exertion is reviewed individually.
It's adjudicated.

They get recognition materials attesting to their TPS.

Get enactment authorization by statute.

So these are not individuals who are undocumented by immoderate means.

Ttemporary protected presumption does not supply a nonstop pathway to imperishable residence. If you don't person immoderate different means done which to get imperishable residence--whether that's due to the fact that you suffice for asylum oregon you person a household subordinate oregon an leader who is petitioning for you to get a Permanent residence, TPS is not going to get you there. What TPS tin assistance a idiosyncratic bash is erstwhile you person TPS, not lone tin you evidently work, which could unfastened up a pathway to an employment based greenish card.

A impermanent protected presumption designation by instrumentality is temporary.

These are designations that past for a fixed play of time, and the instrumentality requires the Secretary to reappraisal conditions anterior to the extremity of a play of designation.
to determine whether oregon not conditions connected the crushed proceed to merit that designation.

If the caput concludes that the conditions bash not merit a continuation of TPS, past that designation volition beryllium terminated, and historically, secretaries person fixed the covered colonisation a play of months oregon adjacent implicit anyear to fig retired what their adjacent moves are, basically.

We person to retrieve determination are immoderate individuals successful the US from immoderate of these countries who person been protected by TPS for implicit 2 decades.

And truthful it'll beryllium highly disruptive to their lives, their families lives, their communities lives. If TPS were terminated.


Members of the Haitian assemblage successful the U.S. accidental they person received threats to their information pursuing erstwhile President Donald Trump’s comments astir the Haitian assemblage present successful Springfield. VOA’s Press Freedom Reporter Cristina Caicedo Smith explains however members of the Haitian media assemblage are protecting themselves.

CRISTINA CAICEDO SMIT, VOA Press Freedom Reporter:

Miguelito Jerome, a vigor anchor and newsman for New Diaspora Live successful Springfield, Ohio, gets acceptable for his regular vigor show.

But since Republican statesmanlike nominee Donald Trump claimed successful a statement past period that Haitian migrants had been eating people's pets successful Springfield, doing his occupation has been challenging.

Miguelito Jerome, New Diaspora Live:

To accidental that is to classify the Haitian radical and the assemblage present successful Springfield arsenic thing that we’re not. And that hurts us. It hurts america arsenic a community.


Jerome has noticed that Trump's comments person made Haitian radical successful the metropolis acrophobic to spell retired successful public.

Miguelito Jerome, New Diaspora Live:

We are acrophobic of radical who volition usage this remark to archer america things, to harm us, to onslaught us. People person been intimidated and harassed.


Since the statesmanlike debate, the metropolis of Springfield has received aggregate weaponry threats, prompting officials to adjacent buildings, summation information successful schools, and cancel events.

And the threats toward the Haitian assemblage and media grow beyond Ohio.

Vania Andre is the exertion successful main of The Haitian Times, a New York-based English connection insubstantial that serves and reports astir the Haitian diaspora.

Before the debate, Haitian Times reporters were readying connected hosting a municipality hallway successful Springfield astir achromatic supremacist claims that Haitian migrants were going to wreck the metropolis and bargain its resources.

Andre says that due to the fact that of erstwhile President Trump's comments, Springfield constabulary advised the unit not to bash the event.

Vania Andre, The Haitian Times:

By that time, we had already started getting conscionable swarms of emails and messages with each types of radical slurs.


The Haitian Times municipality hallway was conducted online.

Andre’s squad has besides been receiving threats. The location of 1 of her editors, Macollvie Neel, was raided by constabulary owed to a mendacious study of a crime.

Vania Andre, The Haitian Times:

When we deliberation astir the astir alarming parts of that, it's 1 that her accusation was truthful easy accessible and to beryllium found. And two, these radical were sending a wide connection that they knew wherever she lived.


These events, however, person not halted the Haitian Times journalists.

Vania Andre, The Haitian Times:

We are much motivated to marque definite that we are identifying immoderate benignant of misinformation, disinformation that is tied not conscionable to the Haitian electorate and Haitian immigrants, but conscionable this predetermination successful general.


Republican vice statesmanlike campaigner and Ohio Senator JD Vance has reiterated Trump's comments, saying helium is conscionable repeating what his constituents are telling him.

Cristina Caicedo Smit, VOA News:

Meanwhile, the Haitian Times is strengthening information measures and online extortion for its reporters, editors and unit that it plans to support successful spot aft the U.S. statesmanlike election.

Cristina Caicedo Smit, VOA News.


Online misinformation has galore radical urging the authorities to measurement successful and modulate the travel of online content. But galore besides judge that violates Constitutionally guaranteed rights to escaped expression. VOA’s Matt Dibble explains however candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump presumption the issue.

Unidentified voice:

Would you similar to apologize for what you’ve done?

MATT DIBBLE, VOA Correspondent:

If determination is 1 happening that some large U.S. governmental parties hold on, it is that societal media companies indispensable alteration the mode they operate. And whoever wins the White House is apt to prosecute that goal.

Donald Trump, Republican Presidential Nominee:

If we don’t person escaped speech, past we conscionable don’t person a escaped country.


On his run website, Republican Donald Trump claims that the close to escaped code guaranteed nether the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is being infringed by immoderate societal media companies.

After the January 6th onslaught connected the U.S. Capitol,

Trump himself was temporarily banned from posting connected immoderate sites.

Donald Trump, Republican Presidential Nominee:

Upon my inauguration arsenic president, I volition inquire Congress to nonstop a measure to my table revising Section 230 to get large online platforms retired of censorship business.


Section 230, a portion of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, has been cardinal successful establishing the net we cognize today, says Brandie Nonnecke, manager of a University of California, Berkeley, tech argumentation lab.

Brandie Nonnecke, University of California, Berkeley:

It really empowers platforms to beryllium capable to mean and region contented without a hazard of liability. Now we often perceive that the First Amendment is being infringed upon by these platforms. However, the First Amendment lone applies to authorities suppression of speech. The platforms themselves, they are backstage entities and they’re backstage entities that they themselves person First Amendment rights.


Earlier attempts to revise Section 230 person faltered.

After Trump’s accounts were banned successful 2021, Florida and Texas, 2 states with bulk Republican electorates, some passed laws limiting the quality of societal media companies to constabulary governmental code connected their sites.

But these laws were enactment connected clasp this year, erstwhile the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that media companies person the close to marque editorial decisions escaped from authorities interference.

Unidentified voice:

It was a breeding crushed for hatred code against Rohingya refugees..


Politicians from Kamala Harris’ Democratic enactment often impeach societal media companies of allowing excessively overmuch harmful code connected their platforms.

In 2022, Vice President Harris launched a White House task unit to code the problem, successful this signaling by C-SPAN.

Kamala Harris, Democratic Presidential Nominee:

Hate has go truthful communal connected the net that arsenic a nine it’s benignant of becoming normalized, and for users immoderate mightiness accidental unavoidable.


For now, societal media companies’ close to power contented connected their sites remains successful place, but for galore politicians and citizens, this contented is acold from resolved.

Matt Dibble, VOA News, Oakland, California.


We present crook to a communicative with bipartisan support… honoring erstwhile President Jimmy Carter’s historical 100th birthday, which helium celebrated October 1st successful his location authorities of Georgia.

It was a solemnisation acceptable for a centenarian.

The Fox Theatre successful Atlanta hosted dozens of philharmonic acts and thousands of guests for a performance celebrating the 100th day of Georgia’s erstwhile politician and U.S. president, Jimmy Carter.

Jason Carter, Carter Center Board Chair:

It’s a mode to beryllium together, and I deliberation that’s who helium is fundamentally.


Jason Carter believes the concert, featuring immoderate performers who campaigned for his gramps successful the 1970s is simply a unifying — and bipartisan — mode to observe what 1 documentary movie manager calls the “Rock 'n' Roll President.

Jason Carter, Carter Center Board Chair:

That brings radical unneurotic crossed geographies, crossed culture, crossed immoderate benignant of radical dividing lines. You’ll person Democrats and Republicans successful present tonight.


One idiosyncratic noticeably absent from the solemnisation was Jimmy Carter himself. He remains successful hospice attraction astatine his home, a municipality 240 kilometers southbound of Atlanta.

Jason Carter, Carter Center Board Chair:

It’s a 600-person colony successful the mediate of nowhere, and each of his different enactment astatine the extremity of the roadworthy successful Africa has been successful those aforesaid kinds of 600-person villages, and helium feels a kinship there, and helium feels a transportation there, and I deliberation the mode that helium marks this infinitesimal is by being astatine home.


Jimmy Carter celebrates his historical day milestone softly astatine his location present successful Plains, Georgia, wherever connected October 1st, 1924, Lillian Carter gave commencement to the archetypal U.S. president calved successful a hospital.

Jill Stuckey, Jimmy Carter National Historical Park:

But the lone crushed helium was calved successful a infirmary was due to the fact that his parent was moving that day.


Jill Stuckey is simply a Carter household person who serves arsenic superintendent of the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park, which includes his preserved Depression-era boyhood farm… the aged Plains High School wherever helium studied… and the railroad depot that helium converted into his run office successful his palmy 1976 White House bid. Stuckey says Plains celebrates their celebrated neighbour each day… but this historical day is marked by serving others.

Jill Stuckey, Jimmy Carter National Historical Park:

We’re naturalizing 100 caller citizens successful his honor.


Carter’s milestone is simply a bittersweet juncture successful Plains – it’s the archetypal spent without his woman Rosalynn, who passed distant past November.

Jill Stuckey, Jimmy Carter National Historical Park:

77 ½ years of marriage, to beryllium without your your soulmate, you know, it’s very, precise pugnacious times.


The day celebration, which began astatine the Fox Theatre successful September and ends successful Plains October 1st, brought Carter’s ample extended household together, including his great-grandson, Charlie Carter.

You’ll astir apt ne'er beryllium to a bigger day party, right?

Charlie Carter, President Jimmy Carter’s Great-Grandson:

Charlie: “No… possibly his 101th?”


Carter besides holds the grounds for the longest post-presidential career. Since departing the White House successful 1981, helium and his woman founded the Atlanta-based planetary non-profit Carter Center, which fights neglected tropical diseases, promotes peaceful struggle resolution, and monitors elections astir the world… causes which led him to beryllium awarded the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.

That’s each for now. Thanks for watching the Inside Story.

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I’m Kane Farabaugh. We volition spot you adjacent week, for The Inside Story.


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