UPSC Weekly Current Affairs Quiz | September 29 to October 05, 2024

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UPSC Weekly Quiz is a existent affairs-based quiz connected applicable topics from the past week, curated for the aspirants of competitory examinations. Attempt the play quiz every Saturday and find answers to the MCQs with explanations.

With notation to the Status of Elephant successful India 2022-23, see the pursuing statements:

1. There is simply a crisp diminution successful elephant populations successful the east-central and confederate landscapes.

2. The study identifies unmitigated mining and linear infrastructure operation arsenic a important menace to the species.

3. The caller method of counting elephants is based connected DNA profiling.

How galore of the statements fixed supra are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None


Festive offer

— The Environment Ministry has shelved its elephant census report, ‘Status of Elephant successful India 2022-23’.

— The study connected the existent presumption of the nationalist practice carnal successful the remainder of India has been printed but its merchandise is present connected clasp until astatine slightest June 2025.

— Data from the unreleased study amusement a sharp diminution successful elephant populations successful the east-central and confederate landscapes. The descent successful numbers is particularly melodramatic successful Southern West Bengal (84%), Jharkhand (64%), Odisha (54%), and Kerala (51%). Hence, connection 1 is correct.

— The study identifies “mushrooming developmental projects” specified arsenic “unmitigated mining and linear infrastructure construction” arsenic a important menace to the species. Hence, connection 2 is correct.

— The Environment Ministry has stated that the elephant census utilized updated methodology, implying that the results whitethorn not beryllium comparable to those of erstwhile censuses conducted each 5 years since the 1990s.

— However, the caller counting methods whitethorn not wholly explicate the diminution successful elephant populations. “The caller method based connected DNA profiling has not brought down the numbers successful the bluish (Shivalik Hills and Gangetic Plain) scenery wherever the latest fig (2,062) intimately aligns with the result of the erstwhile census (2,096).” Hence, connection 3 is correct.

Therefore, enactment (c) is the close answer.


With notation to the National Agriculture Code (NAC), see the pursuing statements:

1. It volition screen the full agriculture rhythm and a guidance enactment for aboriginal standardisation.

2. It volition screen pre-harvest operations.

3. It does not see standards for input absorption similar the usage of chemic fertilisers and pesticides.

4. It includes standards for harvest retention and traceability.

Which of the statements fixed supra are correct?

(a) 1, 3 and 4

(b) 1, 2 and 4

(c) 1 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4


— The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has begun the process of formulating a National Agriculture Code (NAC), connected the lines of the existing National Building Code and National Electrical Code.

About NAC

— The NAC volition screen the full agriculture cycle, and volition besides incorporate a guidance enactment for aboriginal standardisation. The NAC volition service arsenic a usher for farmers, agriculture universities, and officials progressive successful the field. Hence, connection 1 is correct.

— The codification volition person 2 parts. The archetypal volition incorporate wide principles for each crops, and the 2nd volition woody with crop-specific standards for the likes of paddy, wheat, oilseeds, and pulses.

— In summation to standards for agriculture machinery, the NAC volition screen each agriculture processes and post-harvest operations, specified arsenic harvest selection, onshore preparation, sowing/transplanting, irrigation/drainage, ungraded wellness management, works wellness management, harvesting/threshing, superior processing, post-harvest, sustainability, and grounds maintenance. Hence, connection 2 is correct.

— It volition besides see standards for input management, similar usage of chemic fertilisers, pesticides, and weedicides, arsenic good arsenic standards for harvest retention and traceability. Hence, connection 3 is not close and connection 4 is correct.

— Crucially, the NAC volition screen each caller and emerging areas similar earthy farming and integrated farming, arsenic good arsenic the usage of Internet-of-Things successful the tract of agriculture.

Therefore, enactment (b) is the close answer.


With notation to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), see the pursuing statements:

1. It was formed successful 1996 arsenic the “Shanghai Five”.

2. The caller imperishable subordinate of SCO is Iran.

3. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) ‘Heads of Government’ (HoG) 2024 gathering volition beryllium held successful Delhi.

4. The organisation deals with information issues and has each Asian members.

How galore of the statements fixed supra are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) Only three

(d) All four


External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar volition question to Islamabad, Pakistan, to be the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) ‘Heads of Government’ (HoG) meeting connected October 15-16. Hence, connection 3 is not correct.

— Its origins prevarication successful the “Shanghai Five”, formed successful 1996 and consisting of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Hence, connection 1 is correct.

— SCO was established connected June 15, 2001, successful Shanghai arsenic an planetary organisation, and besides included Uzbekistan arsenic a sixth member. Before the inclusion of Belarus, it had 9 members: India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Hence, connection 2 is not correct. (Belarus is the caller imperishable member)

— SCO is 1 of the fewer planetary bodies that woody with information matters, and it is mostly composed of Asian countries. Belarus is the lone European state successful the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Hence, connection 4 is not correct.

— The summation of India and Pakistan into the SCO successful 2017 was interpreted arsenic reflecting this jostling. While Russia supported India’s admittance arsenic a semipermanent strategical partner, China backed its state Pakistan to support the equilibrium of powerfulness from shifting successful Russia’s favour.

Therefore, enactment (a) is the close answer.


The portion Plateau Rosa, the Carrel refuge, and the Gobba di Rollin were successful news. They are located connected the borderline of:

(a) Italy-Germany

(b) Finland-Norway

(c) Austria-Germany

(d) Switzerland-Italy


Switzerland and Italy person decided to redefine a information of their territorial boundaries owed to melting Alpine glaciers caused by anthropogenic clime change.

— Large areas of the bound betwixt Italy and Switzerland are marked by “the watershed oregon ridge lines of glaciers, firn, oregon perpetual snow,” according to the Swiss authorities. However, arsenic planetary warming accelerates glacial melting, these ridge lines shift, disrupting the existing border.

— The borderline betwixt the 2 countries is being redrawn beneath the renowned Matterhorn, 1 of Europe’s tallest peaks that has agelong drawn alpinists and mountaineers.

Switzerland and Italy person agreed connected revisions to the Plateau Rosa, Carrel refuge, and Gobba di Rollin landmarks. This is wherever Switzerland’s Zermatt portion meets Italy’s Aosta valley. The portion is location to assorted skis resorts, which lend to some countries’ economies.

Therefore, enactment (d) is the close answer.


With notation to the caller rules of SEBI to curb the F&O framework, see the pursuing statements:

1. The minimum declaration size astatine the clip of its instauration successful the marketplace has been recalibrated to Rs 15 lakh from the existing stipulation of Rs 5-10 lakh.

2. SEBI has accrued the ‘tail risk’ sum by levying an further ‘Extreme Loss Margin’ (ELM) of 2% for abbreviated options contracts.

Which of the statement(s) fixed supra is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


— Markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has released a acceptable of six measures to fortify the equity scale derivatives — besides known arsenic equity futures & options (F&O) — framework.

New Rules

Contract size for scale derivatives recalibrated: The minimum declaration size astatine the clip of its instauration successful the marketplace has been recalibrated to Rs 15 lakh from the existing stipulation of Rs 5-10 lakh. Hence, connection 1 is correct.

Upfront postulation of options premium: To contradict undue intra-day leverage to the extremity client, and discourage the signifier of allowing positions beyond the collateral astatine the extremity client-level, SEBI has mandated the postulation of options premium upfront from options buyers by the trading subordinate (TM) oregon the clearing subordinate (CM). The caller regularisation volition beryllium applicable from February 1, 2025.

Rationalisation of play scale derivatives products: SEBI has said that expiry-day trading successful scale options astatine a clip erstwhile enactment premiums are low, is mostly speculative. Stock exchanges connection short-tenure options contracts connected indices which expire connected each time of the week, starring to hyperactive trading successful scale options connected expiry day.

Intra-day monitoring of presumption limits: Amid ample volumes of trading connected expiry day, determination is simply a anticipation of undetected intra-day positions beyond permissible limits. “To code the hazard of presumption instauration beyond permissible limits…existing presumption limits for equity scale derivatives shall henceforth besides beryllium monitored intra-day by exchanges,” SEBI said. This volition beryllium effectual from April 1, 2025.

Removal of ‘calendar spread’ attraction connected expiry day: Expiry time tin spot important ‘basis’ risk, wherever the worth of a declaration expiring connected the time tin determination precise otherwise from the worth of akin contracts expiring successful future.

Increase successful ‘tail risk’ sum connected time of expiry: The regulator has accrued the ‘tail risk’ sum by levying an further ‘Extreme Loss Margin’ (ELM) of 2% for abbreviated options contracts. ELM is the borderline that exchanges complaint implicit and supra the mean borderline requirement. Tail hazard is the accidental of a nonaccomplishment owed to a uncommon event. Hence, connection 2 is correct.

Therefore, enactment (c) is the close answer.


Which of the pursuing is/are the applications of the supercomputers?

1. Quantum mechanics

2. Weather forecasting

3. Oil and state exploration

4. Data analytics and large data

Select the close reply utilizing the codes fixed below:

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 1, 2 and 4

(c) 1 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4


Prime Minister Narendra Modi connected September 26 inaugurated 3 PARAM Rudra supercomputers worthy Rs 130 crore. The Prime Minister said that the supercomputers volition assistance supply “state-of-the-art precocious facilities to the technological community” successful India, and that it volition assistance beforehand probe successful fields ranging from “physics and cosmology to world sciences”.

— The 3 caller supercomputers, developed in-house by the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM), are located successful Pune, Delhi, and Kolkata and comprise a High-Performance Computing (HPC) strategy designed specifically for upwind and clime research.

— A supercomputer is simply a ample computing strategy specifically designed to lick complex, technological and concern challenges, which thin to beryllium time-consuming and computation-intensive.

— They are utilized successful quantum mechanics, weapons research, upwind forecasting and clime research, lipid and state exploration, molecular dynamics and carnal simulations, information analytics and large data — each of which necessitate a precocious computing capableness which are unavailable with regular systems.

Therefore, enactment (d) is the close answer.


With notation to the Solar eclipse, see the pursuing pairs:

Type of star eclipse Description
Total star eclipse When the Moon blocks the Sun entirely.
Annular star eclipse When the Moon blocks conscionable a portion of the Sun, giving it a crescent shape.
Partial star eclipse When the Moon passes successful beforehand of the Sun but is astatine oregon adjacent the farthest constituent from Earth.
Hybrid star eclipse When an eclipse shifts betwixt annular and full arsenic the shadiness of the Moon moves crossed the globe.

How galore of the pairs fixed supra are correctly matched?

(a) Only 1 pairs

(b) Only 2 pairs

(c) Only 3 pairs

(d) All 4 pairs


— An annular star eclipse volition beryllium disposable successful parts of South America connected Wednesday (October 2), portion a partial star eclipse volition beryllium disposable successful parts of South America, Antarctica, North America, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean, including Hawaii.

— A star eclipse takes spot erstwhile the Moon moves successful the mediate of the Earth and the Sun. The Moon blocks the airy of the Sun, either afloat oregon partially, which casts a immense shadiness connected immoderate parts of the world.

— There are 4 antithetic types of star eclipses, including full star eclipse, annular star eclipse, partial star eclipse, and hybrid star eclipse.

Type of star eclipse Description
Total star eclipse When the Moon blocks the Sun entirely
Annular star eclipse When the Moon passes successful beforehand of the Sun but is astatine oregon adjacent the farthest constituent from Earth.
Partial star eclipse When the Moon blocks conscionable a portion of the Sun, giving it a crescent shape.
Hybrid star eclipse When an eclipse shifts betwixt annular and full arsenic the shadiness of the Moon moves crossed the globe.

Therefore, enactment (b) is the close answer.


With notation to the Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), see the pursuing statements:

1. The OCI strategy provides for registration of each Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) who were citizens of India connected January 26, 1950, oregon thereafter, oregon were eligible to go citizens of India connected the said date.

2. An OCI paper holder is fundamentally a overseas passport holder who gets a aggregate entry, multi-purpose life-long visa for visiting India, and is exempt from registration with section constabulary authorization for immoderate magnitude of enactment successful the country.

Which of the statement(s) fixed supra is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


— In effect to galore Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) paper holders worrying astir being classed arsenic “foreigners,” the Ministry of External Affairs announced connected Saturday (September 28) that nary changes had been made to the OCI rules.

— OCI paper was introduced successful August 2005. The OCI strategy provides for registration of each Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) who were citizens of India connected January 26, 1950, oregon thereafter, oregon were eligible to go citizens of India connected the said date. Hence, connection 1 is correct.

— An OCI paper holder — fundamentally a overseas passport holder — gets a aggregate entry, multi-purpose life-long visa for visiting India, and is exempt from registration with section constabulary authorization for immoderate magnitude of enactment successful the country. Hence, connection 2 is correct.

— According to authorities figures, determination were implicit 45 lakh registered OCI paper holders from 129 countries successful 2023. The US topped the database with astir 16.8 lakh OCI paper holders, followed by the UK (9.34 lakh), Australia (4.94 lakh), and Canada (4.18 lakh).

Therefore, enactment (c) is the close answer.


With notation to the Kosi River, see the pursuing statements:

1. It is formed by the confluence of 3 streams namely the Sun Kosi, the Arun Kosi and Tamur Kosi.

2. It is good known for its inclination to alteration its people mostly successful westward direction.

3. The Kosi River basin is bounded connected the westbound by the Mahananda basin.

Which of the statements fixed supra are correct?

(a) 2 and 3 only

(b) 1 and 3 only

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) 1 and 2 only


— Bihar is flooded yet again, with 11.84 lakh radical deed — driven retired of their homes, surviving connected air-dropped nutrient packets, huddling successful shelters, susceptible to water-borne diseases.

— According to the authorities government’s Flood Management Improvement Support Centre (FMISC), “Bihar is India’s astir flood-prone state, with 76 per cent of the colonisation successful northbound Bihar surviving nether the recurring menace of flood devastation.”

— A large crushed for the archetypal 3 kinds of flooding is that Bihar is located beneath Nepal, with its Himalayan rivers flowing down to the state. Because the Himalayas are a young upland scope with a batch of escaped soil, these rivers — Kosi, Gandak, Burhi Gandak, Bagmati, Kamla Balan, Mahananda, Adhwara — are afloat of sediments.

— The Kosi basin is bordered connected the northbound by the Himalayas, on the eastbound by the Mahananda basin, on the westbound by the Burhi Gandak basin and connected the southbound by the stream Ganga. Hence, connection 3 is not correct.

— Three streams—the Sun Kosi, the Arun Kosi, and the Tamur Kosi—converge to signifier the River Kosi. These streams originate successful the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet. Hence, connection 1 is correct.

— The Kosi is wide recognised for its inclination to displacement its people chiefly successful westward direction. Hence, connection 2 is correct.

Therefore, enactment (d) is the close answer.

(Other Source:


Consider the pursuing statements astir the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM):

1. It was launched connected October 2, 2016.

2. SBM absorption areas were gathering idiosyncratic and assemblage toilets and coagulated discarded management.

3. The SBM-Urban for cities is executed by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.

How galore of the statements fixed supra are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None


— Swachh Bharat Mission, 1 of the archetypal programmes announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi aft helium took bureau successful 2014, completes 10 years connected October 2. Hence, connection 1 is not correct.

— The ngo was divided into SBM-Gramin for villages, and SBM-Urban for cities, executed by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs respectively. Hence, connection 3 is not correct.

— SBM’s absorption areas were gathering idiosyncratic toilets, assemblage toilets, coagulated discarded management, and starring consciousness campaigns aimed astatine behavioural changes. Hence, connection 2 is correct.

— The PM announced that the SBM’s main extremity was to marque India “Open defecation-free” (ODF) by October 2, 2019, for which crores of household and assemblage toilets had to beryllium constructed. The explanation of ODF nether the ngo is arsenic follows: “A city/ ward tin beryllium notified/ declared arsenic an ODF city/ ODF ward if, astatine immoderate constituent of the day, not a azygous idiosyncratic is recovered defecating successful the open.”

— The extremity was to supply idiosyncratic toilets to each houses, clump toilets for communities, and discarded absorption systems successful schoolhouse and anganwadi toilets. Solid discarded encompasses some integrated and inorganic items (kitchen waste, plastics, metals, etc.), whereas liquid discarded absorption is acrophobic with wastewater that is nary longer harmless for quality consumption.

— To bash this, the authorities boosted its assistance from Rs 10,000 per toilet (under the erstwhile UPA government’s Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan) to Rs 12,000 nether the SBM program. When the mission’s five-year play ended successful 2021, the authorities launched SBM 2.0, which focused connected garbage-free cities, faecal sludge, integrative waste, and greywater management.

Therefore, enactment (a) is the close answer.


With notation to the Assam Accord, see the pursuing statements:

1. It was a Memorandum of Settlement betwixt the Union authorities and the enactment of the Assam Movement, chiefly the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU).

2. It was signed successful 1965.

3. The Assam accord ended the six-year-long agitation successful Assam against the introduction of Bangladeshi migrants into the state.

4. There is nary clause to protect, sphere and beforehand the civilization and practice of the Assamese people.

Which of the statements fixed supra are correct?

(a) 1, 3 and 4

(b) 1, 2 and 4

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 2 and 3 only


— After a gathering with representatives of the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) connected Wednesday, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma acceptable the shot rolling for the implementation of 52 recommendations of the Justice Biplab Sarma Committee regarding Clause 6 of the Assam Accord, arsenic announced by the Assam authorities earlier this month.

— The historical Assam Accord was a Memorandum of Settlement betwixt the Rajiv Gandhi-led Union authorities and the enactment of the Assam Movement, chiefly the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU). Hence, connection 1 is correct.

— The Assam Accord was signed successful 1985. Hence, connection 2 is not correct.

— The accord ended the six-year-long agitation successful Assam against the introduction of Bangladeshi migrants into the state. Hence, connection 3 is correct.

— The authorities authorities has accepted 1951 arsenic the “cut-off date” for the circumstantial recommendations of the report. He said, however, that this explanation of “Assamese people” is confined to lone the discourse of the report’s recommendations.

— The 52 recommendations successful the archetypal 2 categories volition beryllium implemented by April 2025, for which the authorities authorities volition taxable a roadmap to AASU by October 25 this year. These 52 recommendations mostly woody with safeguards connected language, land, and taste heritage.

— Clause 6 of the accord states that “Constitutional, legislative and administrative safeguards, arsenic whitethorn beryllium appropriate, shall beryllium provided to protect, sphere and beforehand the cultural, social, linguistic individuality and practice of the Assamese people.” Hence, connection 4 is not correct.

Therefore, enactment (c) is the close answer.


With notation to ‘classical languages’ of India, see the pursuing statements:

1. Sanskrit became the archetypal Indian connection to person “classical” presumption owed to its precocious antiquity and affluent literate tradition.

2. High antiquity of aboriginal texts, and recorded past implicit a play of 1500- 2000 years is 1 of the criteria to state a connection arsenic a classical language.

3. Marathi, Pali, Prakrit, Assamese, and Bengali are the latest additions to the classical languages list.

Which of the supra statements is/are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) All of the above


— The Union Cabinet connected Thursday extended the “classical language” tag to Marathi, Pali, Prakrit, Assamese, and Bengali. Tamil, Sanskrit, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Odia already bask this status. Hence, connection 3 is correct.

When and however did the conception of “classical language” arise?

— Following demands from assorted states, the UPA-1 authorities decided to make a class of Indian languages known arsenic “classical languages”, and laic down assorted criteria for this status.

— On October 12, 2004, Tamil became the archetypal Indian connection to person “classical” presumption owed to its precocious antiquity and affluent literate tradition. Hence, connection 1 is not correct.

— The Ministry of Culture acceptable up a Linguistic Experts Committee (LEC) nether the Sahitya Akademi to analyse proposals for “classical language” presumption from assorted states and bodies.

— On November 25, Sanskrit was declared a classical language. Subsequently, this presumption was conferred upon Telugu (2008), Kannada (2008), Malayalam (2013), and Odia (2014).

What are the latest criteria for “classical languages”?

— On July 25 this year, the LEC unanimously revised the criteria for classical status. The criteria present include:

(i) High antiquity of aboriginal texts, and recorded past implicit a play of 1500- 2000 years; Hence, connection 2 is correct.

(ii) A assemblage of past literature/ texts, which is considered a practice by generations of speakers;

(iii) Epigraphic and inscriptional evidence;

(iv) Knowledge texts, particularly prose texts successful summation to poetry; and

(v) That classical languages and lit could beryllium chiseled from their existent signifier oregon could beryllium discontinuous with aboriginal forms of its offshoots.

Therefore, enactment (b) is the close answer.


David’s Sling, Arrow 2 and 3, and the Iron Beam are seen successful quality with notation to:

(a) Sports

(b) Astronomy

(c) Geomorphology

(d) None of the above


— The bloody struggle successful West Asia escalated further connected October 1 erstwhile Iran rained down missiles connected Israel, and the Jewish federation said it would onslaught back.

— While Tehran said astir of its missiles deed their targets, Israel said galore were intercepted by its aerial defence systems.

— Israel’s aerial defence strategy is multi-layered, to support against missiles fired from abbreviated distances (like by Hamas) to longer ranges (missiles that alert extracurricular the Earth’s atmosphere, apt to beryllium fired by nations further distant from Israel, specified arsenic Iran).

— The Iron Dome is the best-known, but this time, according to the BBC, different elements of the country’s defence systems “probably did the bulk of the work.”

— Apart from the Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow 2 and 3, and the Iron Beam support Israel from missiles.

Therefore, enactment (d) is the close answer.


With notation to Chagos and Diego Garcia, precocious seen successful the news, see the pursuing statements:

1. The UK has agelong controlled Chagos and the Diego Garcia subject base, jointly operating it with the United States.

2. The United States has precocious said it would cede sovereignty of the strategically important Chagos Islands and Diego Garcia to Mauritius.

Which of the statements fixed supra is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


— The UK has agelong controlled Chagos and the Diego Garcia subject basal located there, jointly operating it with the United States. Hence, connection 1 is correct.

— The United Kingdom connected Thursday (October 3) said it would cede sovereignty of the strategically important Chagos Islands to Mauritius, calling it a “historic governmental agreement”.

— The statement betwixt the UK and Mauritius strikes a balance. The UK has ceded claims implicit the islands, and Mauritius is present “free to instrumentality a programme of resettlement connected the islands of the Chagos Archipelago, different than Diego Garcia”. The UK has besides promised to make a caller spot money “for the payment of Chagossians”.

— However, the statement allows the Diego Garcia basal to stay operational for an “initial period” of 99 years. The UK volition proceed to workout sovereign rights implicit the island. Hence, connection 2 is not correct.

Therefore, enactment (a) is the close answer.


Who among the pursuing has been named arsenic the recipient of the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2024?

(a) Kamal Haasan

(b) Waheeda Rehman

(c) Mithun Chakraborty

(d) Dharmendra


— Actor-politician Mithun Chakraborty has been named arsenic the recipient of the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award, which is the highest authorities honour accorded for contributions successful the tract of cinema.

— The three-time National Award winner, who is 1 of the precise fewer to person won the Best Actor triumph connected debut, is simply a seasoned of implicit 350 films successful Hindi, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Odia, Telugu, and Tamil.

Therefore, enactment (c) is the close answer.

Previous Weekly Quiz

UPSC Weekly Current Affairs Quiz | September 22 to September 28, 2024

UPSC Weekly Current Affairs Quiz | September 15 to September 21, 2024

UPSC Weekly Current Affairs Quiz | September 08 to September 14, 2024

UPSC Weekly Current Affairs Quiz | September 01 to September 07, 2024

UPSC Weekly Current Affairs Quiz | August 25 to August 31, 2024

UPSC Weekly Current Affairs Quiz | August 18 to August 24, 2024

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