Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel Friday inaugurated and laid the instauration chromatic for projects worthy Rs 357.55 crore nether the Surat Economic Region Master Plan, successful the city. These see mounting up of labs successful 18 Suman schools tally by the Surat Municipal Corporation wherever students volition beryllium taught robotics, drone technology, artificial intelligence, and coding.
Municipal Commissioner Shalini Agrawal besides signed an MoU with Daniel Moser of GIZ (Society for International Cooperation) of the German government, successful the nationalist transport sector.
Under this MoU, a task volition beryllium acceptable up successful Surat wherever utilized car batteries tin beryllium reused to store star energy. This task volition beryllium the archetypal successful the country, said Agrawal, adding a sex laboratory volition besides beryllium developed wherein women volition beryllium trained for societal and economical sectors.
CM Patel said, “We person launched the program covering six districts of South Gujarat nether the assemblage of Regional Economic Plan, with Niti Ayog. This volition enactment connected the improvement program made keeping successful caput the adjacent 25 years.”