Mumbai experiences a little chill spell with temperatures dipping to 16.9°C. (Source: File Photo)
Ushering successful immoderate respite for the metropolis languishing nether supra mean daytime temperatures this month, the minimum temperatures dipped beneath mean to 16.9 degrees connected Wednesday morning. Daytime temperatures besides touched to 31.8 degrees connected Wednesday, marking a driblet of astir 3 degrees successful 2 days.
However, the city’s chill spell is apt to beryllium short-lived amid the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasting spike successful temperatures implicit the weekend.
On Wednesday, information furnished by the IMD showed that portion the Santacruz presumption logged 31.8 degrees celsius, the Colaba coastal observatory recorded a maximum somesthesia of 29 degrees, which is 1.2 degrees Celsius beneath the normal. This came on the heels of the metropolis waking up to a chill greeting astatine 16.9 degrees connected Wednesday morning.
Weather experts person attributed the dip to the northerly winds. Mahesh Palawat from Skymet Weather Services told The Indian Express, “Currently, temperatures successful Delhi NCR, Rajasthan and different bluish parts person dipped.
With the chill winds from the northbound blowing in, the temperatures person dipped slightly. However, this is apt to beryllium a abbreviated spell. After 2 days, determination is simply a occidental disturbance, owing to which, the metropolis volition again commencement receiving southbound westerly winds from the Arabian Sea. This volition pb to a spike successful temperatures.”
In its forecast bulletin, the upwind bureau has forecast that the maximum temperatures volition hover astir 31 degrees until February 1, pursuing which the time clip temperatures volition yet again soar to 33 degrees from February 2.
IMD has besides forecast ‘generally cloudy skies’ for the metropolis betwixt February 2 and 3.
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