The accused allegedly took Rs 29,000 successful currency and golden ornaments valued astatine Rs 5 lakh, which the contractor was wearing astatine the time. (Representational image/File)
The Byadarahalli constabulary successful Bengaluru connected Saturday arrested 5 people, including a woman, for allegedly honey-trapping and blackmailing a civilian contractor to extort currency and valuables worthy implicit Rs 5 lakh. The arrested accused person been identified arsenic Nayana, Mohan, Santosh Ajay and Jayaraj.
A constabulary serviceman said, “The civilian contractor’s person introduced Nayana to him six months ago. She became adjacent to the contractor and asked for wealth to dainty her son. The contractor past transferred Rs 14,000. Though Nayana invited the contractor connected aggregate occasions, helium had not visited her but they often spoke implicit the phone.”
On December 9, the pistillate allegedly invited the civilian contractor to her residence. After helium came, Nayana’s associates appeared successful the disguise of constabulary and threatened his arrest, claiming that helium was moving a prostitution racket, said the police.
The accused allegedly took Rs 29,000 successful currency and golden ornaments valued astatine Rs 5 lakh, which the contractor was wearing astatine the time. Throughout this ordeal, Nayana pretended to beryllium innocent. Later that aforesaid day, aft returning home, the contractor called Nayana to pass her that helium would record a constabulary ailment and asked her to articulation him.
In response, Nayana allegedly threatened that she would travel to his location and assertion that they were having a relationship. At that moment, the contractor realised that she was portion of the gang. Later, the contractor filed a constabulary complaint, which led to the apprehension of the accused.
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